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Verneuil, Henri. Mayrig. New York, NY: Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, 1987. 302 pp.
Walker, Christopher J. Armenia: The Survival of a Nation, Revised Second Edition. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1990. 476 pp.
Walliman, Isidor and Michael Dobkowski. Genocide and the Modern Age: Etiology and Case Studies of Mass Death. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1987. 322 pp.
Ward, Mark H. The Deportations in Asia Minor, 1921-1922. London: Anglo-Hellenic League, 1922. 18 pp.
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Zenkovsky, S. Pan-Turkism and Islam in Russia. Cambridge, Mass., 1967. – See more at: http://www.genocide-museum.am/eng/bibliography.php#sthash.U7vsQIJB.dpuf*A Century of Genocide: Critical Essays and Eyewitness Accounts By Samuel Totten, William S. Parsons, Israel W. Charny
*A Crime of Vengeance: An Armenian Struggle for Justice By Edward Alexander
*A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility by Taner Akçam
*Black Dog of Fate: An American Son Uncovers His Armenian Past by Peter Balakian
*Survivors: An Oral History of the Armenian Genocide by Donald E. Miller
*The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America’s Response by Peter Balakian
*The History of the Armenian Genocide: Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus by Vahakn N. Dadrian
*German Responsibility in the Armenian Genocide: A Review of the Historical Evidence of German Complicity by Vahakn N. Dadrian
*Armenian Golgotha (Hardcover)
by Grigoris Balakian
*The Bastard of Istanbul by Elif Shafak
*The Forty Days of Musa Dagh by Franz Werfel
*The Sandcastle Girls by Chris Bohjalian
*The Slaughterhouse Province: An American Diplomat’s Report on the Armenian Genocide, 1915-1917 by Leslie A. Davis
*Caravans to Oblivion: The Armenian Genocide, 1915 by G.S. Graber
*The White Hotel by D.M. Thomas
*Revolution and Genocide: On the Origins of the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust by Robert Melson
*Warrant for Genocide: Key Elements of Turko-Armenian Conflict by Vahakn N. Dadrian
*My Name is Aram by William Saroyan
*A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East by David Fromkin
*The Armenian Genocide in Perspective by Richard G. Hovannisian
*Armenia: The Survival of a Nation by Christopher J. Walker
*Forgotten Fire by Adam Bagdasarian
*To the Desert: Pages from My Diary by Vahram Dadrian
*The Road from Home: A True Story of Courage, Survival, and Hope by David Kherdian
*The Armenian Genocide: A Complete History by Raymond Kevorkian
*Vergeen: A Survivor of the Armenian Genocide by Mae Derdarian
*Totally Unofficial: The Autobiography of Raphael Lemkin by Raphael Lemkin
* Passage to Ararat by Michael J. Arlen, Clark Blaise
* The Case of Soghomon Tehlirian by Armenian Political Trials
* The Hunger by Marsha Skrypuch
* Nobody’s Child by Marsha Skrypuch
* United States Official Documents on the Armenian Genocide
(Archival Collections of the Armenian Genocide) by Ara Sarafian
* Zabelle by Nancy Kricorian
* Forgotten Fire by Adam Bagdasarian
* Three Apples Fell From Heaven by Micheline Aharonian Marcom
* Encyclopedia of Genocide by Israel W. Charny
* Looking Backward, Moving Forward: Confronting the Armenian Genocide By Richard G. Hovannisian
*The Armenians In History And The Armenian Question by Esat Uras
*The Armenians From Genocide To Resistance by Yves Ternon
*The Armenian Revolutionary Movement: The Development of Armenian Political Parties Through the Nineteenth Century by Louise Z. Nalbandian
*The Armenian genocide : news accounts from the American press: 1915-1922 by Richard Kloian
*The Armenian File by Kamuran Gurun
*Ararat by D.M. Thomas
*Children of Armenia: A Forgotten Genocide and the Century-Long Struggle for Justice by Michael Bobelian
*Crimes Against Humanity And Civilization: The Genocide Of The Armenians by Facing History and Ourselves
*Family of Shadows: A Century of Murder, Memory, and the Armenian American Dream by Garin K. Hovannisian
*The Knock at the Door: A Journey Through the Darkness of the Armenian Genocide by Margaret Ajemian Ahnert
*Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story by Peter Balakian
*America and the Armenian Genocide of 1915 by Jay Murray Winter
*Studies in Comparative Genocide by George Shirinian
*Buried by the Times: The Holocaust and America’s Most Important Newspaper by Laurel Leff
*Telling the Story: The Armenian Genocide in The New York Times and Missionary Herald by Ann Elizabeth Elbrecht
*Remembrance and Denial: The Case of the Armenian Genocide by Richard G. Hovannisian
*Loss: The Politics of Mourning by David L. Eng
*A Question of Genocide: Armenians and Turks at the End of the Ottoman Empire by Ronald Grigor Suny
*Let’s Keep Turkey Out of Europe: An Intelligence Squared Debate by Norman Stone
*Christopher Hitchens and His Critics: Terror, Iraq, and the Left by Christopher Hitchens
*Gardens of Grief by Boston Teran
*Hitch-22: A Memoir by Christopher Hitchens
*A Long Short War: The Postponed Liberation of Iraq by Christopher Hitchens
*Skylark Farm by Antonia Arslan
*The Rage of the Vulture by Barry Unsworth
*The Young Turks’ Crime Against Humanity by Taner Akçam
*From Empire to Republic: Turkish Nationalism and the Armenian Genocide by Taner Akçam
*Ermeni Meselesi Hallolunmuştur by Taner Akçam
*İnsan hakları ve Ermeni sorunu: İttihat ve Terakki’den Kurtuluş Savaşı’na by Taner Akçam
*Türk ulusal kimliği ve Ermeni sorunu by Taner Akçam
*Armenien und der Völkermord: Die Istanbuler Prozesse und die türkische Nationalbewegung by Taner Akçam
*Armenien und der Völkermord: Die Istanbuler Prozesse und die türkische Nationalbewegung by Taner Akçam
Δείτε εδώ:http://armeniangenocide100.gr/vivliografia καθώς και παρακάτω στην λίστα:
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